Duval Union Academy
Duval Union Academy is part of Duval Union and is an education hub connecting professionals in search for future-proof skills to adapt to the new now, with in-the-field experts applying a hands-on learning methodology.
We provide masterclasses on marketing and technology related topics.
We organize large-scale industry events that creates a much-needed dialogue focused on evolutive and disruptive innovations across the ecosystem.
Be part of one or more of our 5th Conference editions
The following companies already participated at one or more of our masterclasses or events
e5 Mode, EDUCAM, Effie Belgium, Ehsal Management School, emma.health, Eneco, Engie, Evergreen Garden Care, eWINGS, FairEtail, FOMU – Fotomuseum Antwerpen, Friesland-Campina, G4S, Google Belgium, Groep AVEVE, Group-f, GZA, Health & Care Network Kempen, Health House, Hipay, Human Interface Group, Hybrid Media, ICI PARIS XL, ING, IPG Mediabrands, Ipsos, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Kanaal Z, Karel de Grote Hogeschool, KBC, KrĂ«fel, Kuehne+Nagel Antwerpen, Lampiris, Legrand Group Belgium, Lotus Bakeries, LUON, Matexi nv, McDonald’s, Media Marketing, Mediahuis, MEDIALAAN, Medifin, MeDirect Bank, Microsoft, Minds&More, Mini Benelux, Neuhaus, NIBC Bank , NK Ventures, NMBS, Novartis Pharma, Novo Nordisk, Omnia Travel, Omnicom Media Group, Ordina, Partena Professional, Pelckmans uitgevers, Persgroep, pharma.be, PharmaMarket, Philips Lighting, Procter&Gamble, Proximus, Puratos NV, Q4Talent, Realco, Realdolmen, Reynaers Aluminium NV, Reyns Advocaten, Roularta Media Group, Safeshops.be, Sage, Sanofi, Sanoma Media Belgium, Schoenen Torfs, Securitas, Shortcut advertising, Sirius Legal, SKM Fashion Store, Sleeplife, So Buzzy, St-Maarten Hospital, Stad Antwerpen, Standard Investment, StepStone, STIB, StoryMe, Strategie agency, Studio 100 NV, Tegeloutlet, Telenet, test-aankoop, The Digitects | Digital Devils, The House Of Leadership BVBA, The Kube, The Learnscape, the MARKITECTS, The Reference, Thomas More Mechelen, TNS Dimarso, TPL (Transport & project Logistics), UCB, UGent, Uitgeverij Lannoo, UMA Multibrand Boutique, Unique, universiteit antwerpen, University of Antwerp, UPLACE NV, UZ Brussel, Van der Valk Beveren, Van der Valk Hotel Beveren, VAN DYCK & PARTNERS, Vanbreda Risk & Benefits, Vascobelo, Vente-Exclusive.com, Veritas, Vermant Automotive Group, VLAM, VOKA- Kamer van Koophandel Antwerpen-Waasland, Volta, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, VRT, VRT Sandbox, We Invest, Whirlpool, Wimedia, Wit Gele Kruis Vlaanderen, Xerius, Xplore Group, ZEB, ZenithOptimedia, Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen